El Born Centre de Cultura i Memòria

Exterior of El Born Centre de Cultura i Memòria
Inside the old Born market is one of the largest modern archeologic sites in Europe. Discover a unique space where the iron architecture of the 19th century dialogues with the remains of Barcelona from 1700. Daily visits to the site, check prices andtimetables.

This equipment has the following discounts for the different Barcelona Cards


Contact details

Location icon
Plaça Comercial, 12
Phone icon
93 256 68 51
Wheelchair icon


Open Hours

Clock icon

01/03- 30/10 Tue-Sun & holidays: 10-20 h 

01/11- 28/02 Tue-Sat: 10-19 h 

Sun & holidays: 10-20 h 

26/12: 10-14.30h 

Closed: Mon not holidays, 1/1, 1/5, 

24/6, 25/12. 


Metro Icon
Jaume I, Barceloneta (L4) Arc de Triomf (L1)
Bus icon
47, 120, H14, V15, V17, V19 Bus Turístic: Stop Pla de Palau
Train icon
Renfe: Estació de França

Barcelona Card

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